Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Life: Three Years At A Time

Three years. For whatever reason, I have looked at my life in increments of three years. I’ve made plans to reevaluate every three years. When I decided to move to Baltimore, I said that I would reevaluate where I was  in three years and make another plan. Only something happened along the way, I stopped reevaluating things. It’s been four years. Some could argue that the first year was rough, and can be ignored in some aspects. Without that first year, these past three wouldn’t have happened.

I pride myself on my ability to see the end results of something before I start it. Or at least how I envision it to end. SIDEBAR: It’s unfair to assign an end to anything, but an end, to me, is the opportunity to set a goal and work towards finishing it.

So here I am…looking at the next three years. I have goals. These are goals tied to previous accomplishments and can be modified based on their progression.

1. Continue learning how to be a better teacher, and not let the negativity of some people defeat my ambition to do so.
2. Go back to school…I know this is a crazy goal…but school leadership is in my future in some way or another.
3. Give back. The combination of my trip to Haiti and a friend’s current trip to Belize have inspired me to get out there again. Early stages of research have begun.
4. Buy a house. Three years ago I would've said I would never buy a house. I saw it as a sign of settling down. Now, I see it as an opportunity and think a little settling down can be a good thing.
5. Finish my book. This project has been in the works for too long. I am constantly finding inspiration for it in the people I meet, but am failing to put these inspirations into words.
6. Think outside the box and color outside the lines.